Why doens't the media focus on the "good news"???
Higher power? You bet!!!! IN GOD WE TRUST!
I am sure that all of you heard about the sandstorm in the beginning of the Iraq war, (the worst in 100 years some say) and the drenching rain that followed the next day. Our troops were bogged down and couldn't move effectively. The media was already wondering if the troops were in a "quagmire" and dire predictions of gloom and doom came from the left wind media.
What they didn't report was that after the weather had cleared, the marine group that was mired the worst looked out at the plain they were just about to cross. What did they see? Hundreds if not thousands of anti-tank and anti-personnel mines had been uncovered by the wind and then washed off by the rain. If they had proceeded as planned, many lives would have undoubtedly been lost. As it was, they simply drove around them and let the demolition teams destroy them.
Someone once asked George Washington if he thought God was on his side. His reply is reported to be, "It is not that God should be on our side, but that we be on His."


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